
【2024 Taipei Travel】How to Travel in Taipei? Recommendations for Many Taipei Attractions. Let’s use Taipei FunPASS Unlimited to thoroughly enjoy the Greater Taipei area.

How to plan the most enjoyable trip to Taipei? Where to go for independent travel in Taipei? The biggest advantage of traveling in Taipei is its super convenient transportation. Whether you want to visit Taipei 101, the National Palace Museum, Maokong Gondola, Taipei Zoo, and many other popular attractions, you can easily reach them by Taipei MRT, bus, or shuttle. You can also connect with attractions in New Taipei City! Whether you’re planning a route for Instagram-worthy Taipei landmarks, or family trips, group trips with friends, there are recommended ways to enjoy Greater Taipei. This article will share with you about Taipei travel, Taipei attractions, Taipei transportation, and Taiwan foods. “No fear of not having fun, just fear of not having enough time.” Follow us on this high CP-value Taipei independent travel journey!

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2024南投螢火蟲景點 ︱賞螢旺季來臨,想一覽如詩如畫般的螢光夜景該往何處尋找?來南投就對了!被譽為全台灣最大賞螢基地-南投,近年來對於生態環境的保育及重視下,具環境生態指標的螢火蟲在各大基地成功復育,今天小編就帶您一起前進南投欣賞閃閃螢光,以慢遊樂活的心情,進行一趟生態知性旅行吧!

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【九份美食】芋圓、草仔粿、紅糟肉圓、魚丸,老街 4 大必吃美食一次推薦給你!

來到九份旅遊大家必逛的就是九份老街了,但在崎嶇蜿蜒的九份山城範圍裡,俗稱九份老街的部分,包括大家搭公車下車時會先看到的「基山街」(小吃伴手禮為主),以及往裡面走一點的橫向街道「豎崎路」(茶樓及蜿蜒石階梯為名)為主 。而說到九份老街,大家第一個想到的就是很多美食了吧?除了大家都熟知的九份芋圓,還有哪些也是來必吃的 九份美食 呢?

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